
節日迫近公司批准早收工,但手上嘅工作仍然仲未處理好?想催促同事但又唔想傷和氣?想早收工當然唔可以齋等啦,一定要向同事表達明確嘅迫切性,當然ASAP(as soon as possible)係最直接最清楚嘅催促方法,但每次聽落總係覺得好無禮貌,所以今日就教大家點用英文有禮貌地催人啦!

1. We would be grateful if you could make this (project) top priority.


2. An early confirmation would be highly appreciated.


3. Tell me if you need any help or further information.

如果你想了解拖延原因,睇下需唔需要提供協助,又想降低催促嘅肅殺之氣嘅話,最後可加上 「Tell me if you need any help.」或者可以話「Let me know what is causing the delay. I’m sure we can work something out. 」一樣都會俾人良好嘅感覺架!

4. We would appreciate if the project can be done by December 24th.


5. I was wondering if you could check the schedule and see if you are matching the timetable.

明知已經嚴重落後,但又要假裝心平氣和地催促進度就可以用呢句。清楚俾對方知道自己已落後進度,如果想要語氣更加強硬,就可以用「 You may consider checking your schedule to make sure this project is right on target.」。

